
Deferred Rendering
Deferred Rendering with Post Processing
Languages: C++, HLSL
Graphics API: DirectX 10.1
Overview: Demo showcasing deferred rendering with a directional light and 100 animated or static point lights, and post processing effects.
Battle Ground
Battle Ground (Game)
Languages: C++, HLSL
Graphics API: DirectX 9.0
Overview: Battle aganist an AI bot to see who will be victorious. Focuses on implementing A* pathfinding, an AI bot and variance shadow mapping.
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (Tech Demo)
Languages: C++, HLSL
Graphics API: DirectX 9.0
Overview: Real-time implementation of SSAO allowing the user to modify variables to affect the result of ambient occlusion in three different scenes.
Game Demo
(Untitled) Game Demo
Languages: C++, HLSL
Graphics API: DirectX 9.0
Overview: An interest in computer graphics and shaders led to this project being created to showcase techniques within a game environment.
Shadow Mapping
Shadow Mapping (Tech Demo)
Languages: C++, HLSL
Graphics API: DirectX 9.0
Overview: Undertaken as a final year project, I wanted to gain a basic understanding of using shaders whilst implenting real-time shadows.
Asteroids Clone
Asteroids Clone (Game)
Languages: Python
Graphics API: PyGame
Overview: A classic arcade game written in Python.
Christmas Tree Optimisation
Christmas Tree Optimisation
Languages: Assembler, C++
Graphics API: None
Overview: A small C++ program drawing varying sized Christmas Tree's was optimised through restructuring the program and using assembler.